Meeting was held, organized by the House of Culture “Jedynka” in Gorzów, dedicated to the Polish-Portuguese anthology

Meeting was held, organized by the House of Culture “Jedynka” in Gorzów, dedicated to the Polish-Portuguese anthology
14 March 2021

From the series “Literary wtrorki”, on February 2, 2021, an online meeting was held, organized by the House of Culture  “Jednynka” in Gorzów, dedicated to the Polish-Portuguese anthology (coordination and editing by Katarina Lavmel, Wyd.FDF, Warsaw 2020).

The book was created as part of a cultural scholarship received by me from Starosta Słupski in 2020. Patronage and honorary patronage : Polish Embassy in Lisbon, Polish Senator Kazimierz Kleina, Starosta Słupski Paweł Lisowski, Mayor of Kobylnica Leszek Kuliński Municipality.

Conducting the meeting -poet Beata Patrycja Klary, participants; Katarina Lavmel and Daria Danuta Lisiecka – poet, cultural animator, participant in anthology.

Below is a description of the meeting and links to the meeting on Facebook and on the website of the McC One House of Culture:

(20+) Facebook. 

Literackie wtorki z MCK online. „Antologia wierszy w czasach zarazy” – Miejskie Centrum Kultury w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim (


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