From the series “Literary wtrorki”, on February 2, 2021, an online meeting was held, organized by the House of Culture “Jednynka” in Gorzów, dedicated to the Polish-Portuguese anthology (coordination and editing by Katarina Lavmel, Wyd.FDF, Warsaw 2020).
The book was created as part of a cultural scholarship received by me from Starosta Słupski in 2020. Patronage and honorary patronage : Polish Embassy in Lisbon, Polish Senator Kazimierz Kleina, Starosta Słupski Paweł Lisowski, Mayor of Kobylnica Leszek Kuliński Municipality.
Conducting the meeting -poet Beata Patrycja Klary, participants; Katarina Lavmel and Daria Danuta Lisiecka – poet, cultural animator, participant in anthology.
Below is a description of the meeting and links to the meeting on Facebook and on the website of the McC One House of Culture: